
Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I have got to join Rhondi's Porch Party at  and Kim's Porch and Deck party at  today. I have shared pictures of my porch before, but today I will share photos of my screen house-or folly as I call it. It is  kind of like a porch or deck, just screened-you know we have mosquitoes here in Mississippi as big as your head!

This is a table that I covered with broken tiles, it makes a great potting bench. Of course at the moment it is covered with stuff that I am trying to figure out what to do with. Do you ever have that problem? My hubby would love to tear this thing down, it is pretty sad looking, but I love it. It is hidden in the back corner of my garden, and I call it my hideaway. Most people never even know it is there.

Of course I have to have wind chimes-love wind chimes and an old comfy chair to sit and dream in.


Rhondi said...

Thanks for joining the party and showing us your "folly". It is very charming and I like the tile table you did!

Betty said...

Just love your folly. I also love windchimes and have never seen any like those you have. They are beautiful. Happy Summer.

Pat said...

Your folly is great! And it is all the better because it is hidden. Your own playhouse!


The JR said...

Hey, I have those same bamboo wind chimes. Did you get them at Canton?

Luv your porch.

Dixie said...

Love the mosaic table... and the bird houses... and... the puppy! ;) Happy Summer. Dixie

Lady Di Tn said...

That is a wonderful area to sit and dream in. I like the old table and yes I too have stuff sitting around awaiting a moment of inspiration. I loved how you described the mosquitoes because some times their bite does feel like they are that big. Peace

Maria@BubblegumandDuctTape said...

what a nice place to relax and taking in some creativity. You've got the shabby chic going on with your decor. Love the look and feel of your little hide away, wish I had one where I could go and hide for a few hours.
Hope you're having a wonderful day!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Oh, I LOVE your hide-away! A very special place and perfect for quiet moments. Sweet mosaic table too :)

So nice stopping by to visit with you!
Kindly, Lorraine

poppilinnstudios said...

Oh, I'd love a little hide away! I like the mosaic table, I've always wanted to try doing a mosaic piece. Thanks for sharing.

The Polka Dot Closet said...

No, don't let him rip it down...your little hideaway, private and cozy. I would love to have a spot like this.

PS: I am with you, as soon as I have any doubts over Casey's innocence I get stopped at the 31 days and told no one!


Anonymous said...

I love your folly! Every gardener needs one and I am glad you shared yours.