
Wednesday, August 7, 2013


How about a road trip? The hubs and I took off Saturday for a road trip to one of our states river cities. Vicksburg has so many beautiful antebellum homes. Most of them are on the bluffs overlooking the Mississippi River or downtown. It is amazing that so many of them are in great repair.
Crepe Myrtles were blooming everywhere. This 95 degree heat does not bother them!
 It makes me tired to think of cleaning this one!
Love this gate going up to an estate-would look great at Halloween all dressed up-they look pretty spooky looking right now!
Out by one of the casinos, they have all their trees pruned into gumdrops.
The mighty Mississippi River, the trees on the other side of the bridge are in Louisiana. Check out  for more lovely homes.


  1. Vicksburg is such an interesting city! Lot of history. Love the Crepe Myrtles!
    Hope you are having a wonderful day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  2. Thanks for the tour, love that old home. That would be a lot of upkeep. Think of the air conditioning bill!
    We travel through Vicksburg on our way to Louisiana.
    Thanks for visiting me. Your comment had a "no reply"
    email address. Hope you are staying cool over there.
    Hugs, Ginger

  3. I loved seeing these great pictures. You're right, that house with the gate does look kind of spooky. I think Crepe Myrtles are beautiful. I need to look into whether they might grow here. It's probably too dry for them.

  4. Thanks so much for sharing these lovely photos. The beautiful old home does looks like a lot of work, and the home with the gate really does look like of spooky!

  5. Somehow I lost you in my switch from Google Reader to Bloglovin'! It won't let me add you to my feed there, so I'm gonna have to figure this out.

  6. I love going to Vicksburg esp. downtown. You took some great pics, Vicky....Christine


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