
Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Sorry, I haven't posted, still having trouble loading photos-and who wants a post without photos! Maybe I can soon get this resolved. It has rained here for nine straight days, so I have not been out except for church! Hope to be back to blogging soon. At the moment I am frustrated and sick of being housebound and as depressed as my dogs-we need sunshine and warm weather! LOL.


  1. I think we all feel that way:) It's still raining here and the temperature hovers around 33 degrees day and night. It was pretty the other day when the ice was clinging to the trees and grasses. I had hoped for a little snow to make the landscape pretty.

  2. I know the feeling. I'm ready for Spring!

  3. I had the same thing happen with my photos again. This time I loaded my photos directly into my picasa web album ...reduce size and upload at
    then you can click the picture box when posting and choose "From my picasa web albums" and all of your pictures will be there.
    Best wishes,

  4. Isn't the weather terrible? It's been raining nonstop, even before we left for FL this past weekend. At least we had a break cause it was in the low 80's and very sunny the whole time we were there.....Christine


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