
Monday, November 19, 2012


We will have Thanksgiving with my son, so I don't have to do a big table. I decided to play around with a simple setting for the two of us to have our Thanksgiving night leftovers. I love these bird plates-I like them all through the fall.
I love these leaf salad plates with the green dinner plate too.
But, I think the turkey salad plates will look the best.
Do you notice the white streaks to the left of the plate? They are not visible to the naked eye. The only thing I can figure is that the flash is highlighting some of the finish in the wood grain. It drives me crazy. I am joining Marty for Tabletop Tuesday at


  1. They all look great to me. I love a turkey pattern, but I really love that orange salad plate. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  2. All of your dishes are perfect for Thanksgiving and I especially like the turkey plates. I hope you have a wonderful day with your son!

    I think you might want to turn your flash off as all the professional advise. Try to get as much natural light in the room as possible and at night turn on all the lights you can. See if this works for you.

    Happy Thanksgiving!


  3. I love the turkey plates! Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. I'm with you! I love the turkey plates the best. :)

    Jane is right about the flash. Try taking your pic during the day with out flash. I open all the blinds to get as much light as I can.

    Enjoy your leftovers. :)
    Happy Thanksgiving!


  5. Sometimes doesn't matter what I do, I get a dark blob in the bottom of some of my pictures.

    That drives me nutz!

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  6. How nice you got to have 2 Thanksgivings! Hope you enjoyed your day. I feel like I've been eating since Thursday and need to stop! Happy Sunday, Ann


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