
Monday, July 16, 2012


I decided to do a table with my newest finds. Yesterday I  posted about these place mats, they are pieces cut from an old quilt-not even hemmed. I picked them up at Dwellings, a shop owned by another Ms blogger.
I just love them.Wish I had bought more.

I picked up these dishes a couple of weeks ago. They are very thin, you can actually see your hand if you hold them up to the light-almost like real milk glass. These have arcopal and France stamped on the back. I don't think they are old at all, but they sure are pretty.Of course I am a sucker for blue and white.I used my white milk glass goblets,they seemed old fashioned and right with the old quilt placemats.I am joining Marty for Tabletop Tuesday at  Also Meg at  for the Blogger Party.


  1. May I be the first to say that your table is great?!! I loved that old quilt (and somebody was going to throw it out!) Not on my watch! Loved all the different little fabrics which I am pretty sure were flour sacks!thanks for the "great press"! Come see us again!

  2. What a great idea with an old quilt!
    I love dishes too! Last week someone I know had an 8 piece setting with serving pieces she had bought years ago and was just was going to throw them out! I said, heck no! I'm taking them and I did!


  3. I like the table scape.

    The quilts look fantastic with those dishes.

  4. I think using pieces of an old quilt for placemats is a wonderful idea. The blue and white dishes are just beautiful. What a lucky find.

  5. Stunning blue dishes! Arcopal was one of our first purchases wen we moved up here 22 years ago---not those gorgeous ones, but an everyday little silver-rim/pink streak pattern. We got service for 12 for about $20.00 at a flea narket, and the plates and bowls are still our everyday dishes.

    And only one breakage I can remember in all those years. The guy took a dinnerplate and sort of Frisbeed it out onto the bare floor, and when it didn't break, we bought a set.

  6. I love this idea! Thanks for sharing at the All Star Block Party.


  7. I love this idea so much - what a great way to use old quilts. Thanks for sharing this at the All Star Block Party.

  8. Vickie,
    I love your old quilted place mats. I see old quilts all the time at the auction that I attend. Now I know what to do with them even if they are damaged. Yipee!

  9. Love those placemats! They are just beautiful!


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