
Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I just had to share these unusual floral arrangements that I saw on a house tour.
I am not so sure I like this one, but I guess in the right setting it would be very dramatic.
This one is more my style. I love the oak leaf hydrangeas and the palmettos-notice how the edges of the palmettos are rounded of.Just buy potted plants and put them in a big basket for a dramatic arrangement. I know antlers are the big thing now, but I can for sure tell you I will not be painting any of them blue! I am joining Kim for Wow Us Wednesday.


  1. The svelte simplicity of the first is eye-catching, though I'm not dramatic A-TALL. The second is absolutely my style---any and all of it, bloom and leaf and vase, and even just one flower from it would be pleasing to me.

    Maybe the antlers came from Goodwill---I've seen several items there like it (though not blue)---so no family members would be unhappy.

  2. Those sure are unique. I cracked up at the antlers being blue, although I do love that color. I just don't do antlers in our house, totally would not work.

  3. I guess I'm just not into antlers considering how many of them my dogs drag into the yard during deer season. I can't imagine painting them blue (or any other color) and using them for decoration!

    I do like that second arrangement - it's beautiful!

  4. The first one looks like it belongs near the beech. The second one reminds me of the flowers on the alter every Sunday. I have been known to do the third one with the basket. I do have deer antlers around the house but in a natural color along with turkey feathers, all gathered from the farm from my local wild life. But Blue or painted antlers NEVER, Peace


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