
Tuesday, February 28, 2012


If you saw my previous post you know that I had to leave our Garden Club celebration due to illness. Yesterday was spent at the doctors-I have pneumonia. To stay out of the hospital I had to buy a breathing machine and have been doing treatments every four hours. I am not burning up with a temp this morning, so maybe I am getting better.Of course I got two shots, and two prescriptions also.Anyway, since I haven't been doing any tabletops, I will share some from the Garden Club reception. This is a group of miniature arrangements-none over 5"tall.
This is the one I did-using johnny-jump-ups from my garden along with little snippets of greenery.
This arrangenent is on permanent display in the gallery, but this would be great at home, with a special photograph substituted for the framed document.Anice spring arrangement with daisies can't be beat for cheerfulness.


  1. Beautiful flowers! Your header is pretty gorgeous too!


  2. lovely arrangements; hope you continue to do better. Pneumonia is something to take seriously, one doctor told me, if you ever have it one time, it is so easy to have it again & again.

  3. Oh no! Get well. Half the people I know are sick right now.

    BEAUTIFUL arrangements.

  4. You take care of yourself. I am almost there. I have lungs full, I need to be careful. It's going around. Be well. Richard from My Old Historic House.

  5. So sorry about your pneumonia and hope you're well soon!!

  6. Please take care of yourself. Pneumonia is certainly nothing to mess with. Rest!

  7. May you quickly return to good health. I can lots of pneumonia sympathy with you. No fun.

    All the florals are gorgeous ... I love your front door also. So warm & spring-y.

    TY for your note re Holland. What is so interesting about Holland, what you see in the pictures is not common place. We all picture mentally snowy icy countryside, but not so. That is why so many get out & skate when they can to enjoy the sport ... it is so picturesque seeing them in person gracefully sliding upon the ponds. Most often we in Maryland have far worse winters than do they.

    Take good care, my friend.
    Have a lovely day ~
    TTFN ~

  8. I'm so sorry to hear that you have pneumonia.. not anything to fool around with. Thank goodness you caught it in time to "doctor" yourself at home...well with doctor's meds and the breathing machine, I meant. Love the miniature arraingements. What is it about miniatures that are so intriguing? Hugs and hope you feel much better soon,

  9. Hope you're better! I love all your beautiful arrangements!

  10. Oh My I am so sorry about your illness. I hope you get well very soon. The little minatures are darling. Thanks for sharing Peace

  11. So sorry you are of our grandboys has pneumonia, too. He is much better. I sure hope you are, too.

    The flowers are sooo lovely.


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