
Monday, February 6, 2012


Do you have days when you don't want to get out of your p.j.'s. I love pajama days  but I have so much to do ,especially a trip to the library so I won't have to pay fines on a stack of books. But here it is eleven o'clock and I  have no motivation!Maybe Hugh Hefner has something about living in your pajamas!HAAAA!I have been picking up around the house though, so the day hasn't been a total waste.
I even took a photo of my tulips to cheer me up.Isn't nature fascinating? O.K. I know I need to stop goofing of and get busy! Catch you guys later.


  1. Pretty tulips! And yes, I absolutely love pajama days. It does kind of make you feel lazy though! Enjoy your day!

  2. I LOVE pajama days! Your tulips are pretty and I hope you have a fabulous day and don't get stuck with any library fees! ;)


  3. Well I sure enjoyed your pajama day! I think I'm going to put mine back on. =D

  4. Two things I love, pj days and tulips. Lots of days clothes are just painful for me so I stay in my pj's until tome for someone to come home. A few weeks ago I accidently went out front in my pj's to water a few plants. I would have been okay but someone drove by and I was caught.

  5. THee and MEEEE, Hon! We did a lunch for 45 on Saturday, delivered and served, and it's getting beyond me these days.

    I brought home all the dishes, and yesterday was spent getting them and the kitchen to rights, so this morning---thee and me.

    And Caro, whose constant work getting orders out for Superbowl parties was exhausting, just called down the stairs, "I put my FEEET out of bed a TWO PEE EMM!!---when has THAT happened?"

    I've had a BIGGG pot of pintos going since about noon, and am putting the cornbread in the oven in about a minute, and then she and I are going to sit with glasses of peach tea and watch last night's DOWNTON ABBEY.

    We're hooked. And lazy for today, so YOU DO TOO!!


  6. I'm glad you took the time to snap those photos - the second one is stunning!!

  7. You could still link this to Shadow Shot Sunday! You ought to....

  8. I am having a Hugh day, too! I like to clean my house in my PJ's before I shower and I made the mistake of getting on my laptop first thing this morning!! Not a great way to start the new week!!


  9. Those are pretty. I don't have any tulips anymore. I think the squirrels ate the bulbs.

  10. I like a lazy pajama day once in a while! Your tulips are lovely! I like photographing down into their center...Beautiful!

  11. I think the best days are the days I don't get out of my pj's. I had never thought about them being Hugh Hefner days! haha Your tulips are so pretty. The macro shot shows its perfection. Nature is amazing!


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