
Thursday, December 22, 2011


A few random shots of my tree ornaments.See Olive Oil,do you remember watching Popeye? I have the whole set-just for fun.
I have been making Christmas goodies today, well actually I have burned two pans od cookies and made fudge that stuck to the pan-so I think I need to quit for the day!Heck they sell that stuff premade don't they?


  1. Lovely ornaments!! I just LOVE your blog pic of the bird nest, my kitchen is in birds :)

    Yes! they do make all those desserts pre-made lol...sorry for your bad luck in the kitchen today. The only thing I was able to make today was some peanut butter rice crispy treats.

    Have a wonderful night and a very Merry Christmas!!

  2. Your ornaments are so colorful and fun. Thanks for sharing. I hope you took a break from baking for awhile. I have to do some tomorrow and I'm never sure how it's going to turn out.
    Wishing you a Merry Christmas.

  3. Wow, wow, wow! you have so many,....ha! Good for you! Love all the different colors and the mix. Thanks for following my blog too!! I am now one of your followers too!
    Merry Christmas and best wishes for a happy, healthy New Year!

  4. Your tree is fabulous. I love all the color.
    Well at least you tried to make fudge. One year I tried twice and you could eat it with a spoon. I just gave up. Now I pay my neighbor to make it for me. LOL
    May you and your family have a wonderful Christmas tomorrow,

  5. I am just like you can't seem to pass up a new ornament they just make me smile! You have a great collection. O yes that make store bought cookies and fudge but nothing as good as homemade even if its a little burnt or stuck to the pan! LOL Have a wonderful and blessed Merry Christmas, Vicky


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