
Thursday, March 31, 2011


Have you ever tried a lotus vine? I found this one at a local nursery and fell in love with the unusual foliage and the blooms.The nursery owner didn't know anything about it, so I did a little research. It is a perennial in zone9 so for me it will be an annuual or a houseplant.
Some people call this plant parrot beak or crab claw, and if you look closely at the bloom you will see why.


  1. I haven't tried Lotus vine. It's beautiful!

  2. I love anykind of a vine that will climb and cling to something. I am just not good with plants.

  3. I don't think that would grow outside here either. I don't know that I have ever seen that little vine. It really does have an unusual flower. I will have to check it out. I wonder what the flower looks like when it is opened up...or maybe it is opened up in your picture? You have intrigued me ;) I am hoping for sunshine today here...maybe, just maybe.

  4. This is a new one for me as well. I'll have to see if I can find one at the nursery. It really does resemble a crab claw!

  5. I'm with you, this is a really interesting plant. Thanks for sharing it and for stopping by my post. Cherry Kay


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